Dear customers, ‘VASHEV-DARVOREZBA’ LTD from Bulgaria offers computerized Pantograph scanning and reproduction of wood carving parts which allows for better quality and significantly shorter  fabrication and delivery times. The Pantograph works in two modes: Scanning and programming mode. Scanning a real model with  NextEngine 3D Scanner   with multi-laser precision or manually by operator and saving a program for further automatic reproduction; the machine may also operate with imported virtual or scanned parts in the form of a CAM program. Reproduction mode-automatic reproduction (without operator) of scanned models in the desired quantities. One load of the machine produces 8 parts with dimensions up to 175sm,d=30 sm. оr 4 parts with dimensions up to 175/d=47 smThe program is saved for further use and reproduction of the scanned part. The scanned model may be reproduced in mirror (left or right) mode. The price of the services depends on the time for fabrication of the submitted model, the base price being 20 Euros per hour.Blanks may be submitted by the customer or made by us from the desired wood species.VLASHEV-DARVOREZBA’ LTD also offers wood carving on the copied parts.The price for manual wood carving is 7 Euros per hour.We propose non-disclosure agreements for all copied models and we guarantee protection of copyright.


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